We are all waiting for something. Something to change our lives for the better. A better job, partner, relationships or environment etc. We keep on waiting and hoping for a better something.
Having hope is good. In fact that's the
only thing that keeps us going. We are all going towards some destination
hoping that situations and people will see us or
react differently towards us. Sometimes waiting can be tedious and
tiring, especially when a great deal of work is put towards it. Everyone just
keeps saying it's going to turn out for the better. But have you even wondered
why you are not already in a better situation. What is holding you back? Why have
you not put yourself in that better situation yet? Or maybe you are already
there and you haven't noticed it. Better than you were a few years, months or
weeks ago.
Think of all the situations, the
experiences and challenges we have dealt with. We are better for it. We have
come out stronger than we think. We and the people around us only see what we
have been through and only how difficult our life has been and maybe add a
little sympathy to it. We don't need sympathy. We have survived. We lived
through our experiences and learnt and grown from it. However, alot of us don't
realise it. We have been shaped by and become who we are because of what we
have been through.
I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to procastination. I have lots
of things that need to be done running through my mind constantly and yet
nothing gets done. "Later" is what I tell myself. There is still time
and I don't need to hurry. Ultimately, it boils done to 3 things; laziness, the
lack of interest or the fear of failure. How do I get myself to move?
"What's the worse that can happen?" And "Let's do this".
Alot of times I just spontaneously start off things. Planning never worked for
me because of those 3 things that pops up and stops me. I stop myself.
So go right ahead. Do what you need to
do. Be spontaneous for a change and see how things go. Nothing lasts forever, be
it good or bad. But make the good things last for as long as possible.
Find joy in getting it done or moving forward. Do what you love.