Photography by Aris Yanuar Setianto @
You don't have to control your thoughts, you just have to stop letting them control you - Dan Millman
That voice in your head. Constantly telling us what to say, do and think. Constantly running. Never stops. Most of us live in our minds. We all do talk to ourselves whether we recognise it or not. Repeating things over and over, reminding ourselves what we need to do next, sorting out details or running through various types of scenarios that may never even happen. We define that as being prepared or being worried for what may occur.
We are always occupied internally unless we are drawn into something external that is more interesting than what's going on in our heads. We get distracted by this external stuff for a bit and then we immediately go right back to where we were before.
We think so much that sometimes we become unaware of our surroundings. Engrossed in whatever is running through our mind. We appear to others to be in deep thought. Some even do this to appear mysterious.
When do we come out of this thinking obsession? Do we ever stop? Do we want to come out? Our minds are a part of who we are. It enforces our identity. Some of us may have even said "That is who I am. I am a thinker."
Part of wanting to stay in our mind has got to do with our self-importance or the need to feel important. That is a totally different topic for another day.
Step out of your head for a few seconds. Look around you. Look up at the sky, the way the clouds are formed. Feel the breeze and sun on your face. Watch the birds and butterflies or the way the grass and trees sway with the wind.
Or listen to the cars driving past. Yes I know, its noisy and there might be nothing really interesting about that. But isn't it just as noisy and cluttered inside your head?
Just be there in the moment. Enjoy the view. If there is nothing really to look at, then focus on your breathing. Notice how you inhale and exhale. Feel how the breath enters and leaves your body. Start off with a few seconds a day. Then gradually increase it by mintues.
Gradually, you will see the difference between being occupied and just being in the moment without thoughts. Be in the moment. Release the hold the thoughts have on you.