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Suppressing emotions

Are we suppressing our emotions? 

We do this regularly starting consciously not wanting to hurt another person and later on it becomes an unconscious habit.

We keep consoling ourselves "It's ok, they don't mean to hurt me and they are just venting." or "They are just angry and they will realise what they said was wrong." Are we convincing ourselves and giving reasons for why someone can treat us badly? Sometimes we think that we are protecting them. Are we protecting them or enabling them to continue to do what they do to us? If someone else is important, aren't you as important too?

The moment someone says something hurting, our minds register it. However, we don't want to believe that they would hurt us. We don't want to believe that they are pushing us away. We don't want to believe they are self-preserving. 

Shouldn't we preserve ourselves more? Shouldn't we treat ourselves better? Are we not worth it? Are we going to let others treat us the way they want because we allow it?

We keep telling ourselves that we should be nice and likeable to the people around us and so we suppress. We suppress our thoughts, feelings, what we would really want to say in a situation. But we suppress and instead console the other person that its not their fault. In fact is we are convincing ourselves too. 

We don't realise that all this suppressing is hurting us. We bottle up our feelings so much that one day it bursts out and we do more damage than we intend to. We not only hurt and push away people who had hurt us but we also take it out on those who never did. Why? Because we start thinking everyone is out to get us. We no longer trust, listen or try to understand anyone anymore.

We all know the saying that once words are spoken, they cannot be taken back. Similarly keeping silent can also do enough damage which later on cannot be repaired.

Instead of suppressing why not try expressing.  

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