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Changes. This is constant. Nothing else is as certain as this. Everything and everyone experiences changes. We all know this and yet we resist. As much as change is consistent, fear of change comes along for the ride.

Very recently, I experienced how much changes can affect people on a large scale. We all believe that change is necessary when situations are not exactly ideal. However, mere talk of change can bring about hysteria in a massive scale. Just think about all the social media messages that get passed around when something changes. People start panicking and the next thing you know messages turn into gossip and all the negative 'what ifs' come out to play havoc.

"What if this happens? What if that is said?" can also be used rather positively. For example "What if I try this new food and I love it?" or "What if I go out today and meet someone new who might just turn out to be my best buddy?"

We have to accept that we live our lives in 'what ifs'.
In a constantly changing and evolving world, nothing is certain. Weather, landscapes, ideologies, technology, people, etc. keeps changing. Some are improvements and some not so great. But we do have to deal with it.

There are 2 ways we can deal with changes.
1) Do Something
2) Accept change for what it is

Do Something
Voice out to the people involved in these changes. Let it be heard what about these changes make you uncomfortable.  You might get a better understanding of the motivations behind the change and might help you better prepare for it. At least you have voiced out your concerns directly instead of spreading rumours or gossip which may end up hurting people we don't mean to hurt.

Sometimes changes are beyond our control and we have to learn to accept them and go with the flow. Who knows it might turn out to be better than we expected. 

We have taken so many risks and chances throughout our lives not knowing for certain if it will be for our best or if it could change the course of our lives. Some choices we regret not taking and some we are grateful we did. But without taking a chance how would we know what is going to happen.

Let's give a chance to change.

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