Ever had one of those days where you don't feel like talking to anyone and you just want to be left alone? I have and these are the times when people feel the need to talk to you and have meetings and discussions.
You look unusually quiet and everyone wants to know what's wrong. There is nothing wrong. But just the lack of interest or energy to hold a proper conversation or to be your regular self. That does not mean you have fallen into depression. However, if this continues and is on a regular basis, please do talk to someone.
We don't have to be chirpy and positive all the time. There will be up and down days and we have to accept that we do get moody. Just because we project ourselves to be chirpy does not necessarily mean that's how we feel internally all the time. Sometimes we know the reason why, such as an arguement that happened the previous day or something that didn't go as you expected or even something you saw or read. But sometimes we don't.
Don't try to over analyse your feelings. If you just want to be left alone to your thoughts or reflections, it's ok to take a day off from people, communication and devices.
Now, people around you will be concerned. Let them be. Tell them you need a little time out. The ones that understand would give you that space and wait for you to come out of your shell. Those who don't, will keep bugging you to tell them what's wrong. They may not understand why you need a time out and you don't have to explain yourself to them because not everyone is or thinks like you.
Sometimes take these days to just reflect on our lives. It changes the way we view things. A fresh perspective is always better than overthinking the same thoughts. Once we have our space, we may see things differently, in a new light.
Secondly, you may realise some things may not work out for our best interests. If something doesn't go our way it doesn't mean its never going to happen. I recently learnt that I should never say never. It might just happen but maybe not when we expected it. Or it may not ever happen and learning to accept things that we cannot change gives us a different way of seeing and doing things or handling situations.
Acceptance plays a huge role in changing our lives. So accept that we might have some ups and downs. That doesn't define who we are. It only means we are humans and we have our moments.