Every morning we wake up. It is mostly to a beautiful blue sky, the sun gently raising up the horizon and birds tweeting their song. But sometimes we feel forced to. It could be because of our jobs, school or something that needs to be done. Then, there are days we just want to jump out of bed to start our day.
Normally our moods are influenced by what is going to happen or what we expect out of that day. Sometimes, we bring forward the previous day’s events, still mulling over what happened and how sucky it was. Bringing it into our workplace or community and show it to people who had nothing to do with our bad mood.
I’ve had days I just wanted to sleep longer and just not go to work. Not because I hate my job. Fact is, I love what I do. Yet I want to be lazy some days. My solution is, I have a cup of coffee, look out the window and tell myself “It is a beautiful day. I wonder what awaits me today. Let’s find out.”
Of course it doesn’t always work. What is important to me is that I tried. I try to live life one day at a time. Telling myself that I am going to make the best out of that day and nothing and no one is going stop me. It gets tiring sometimes to constantly be trying but we all try to live the best life we can in our own way.
I cannot say that this method will work for everyone. Find what gets you out of bed. What lightens your mood and gets you going every morning. Eventually it becomes a habit and you won’t even realise you are doing it and it becomes part of who you are.
So Good Morning everyone! Raise up and go out there and Shine!