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Showing posts from April, 2019

Becoming Positive This topic is all the rage now. Everyone is talking about it. Blogs, quotes on Instagram and even websites dedicated to inspire people to stay positive. There are various methods to try and different ways of becoming and staying positive.  With so much going on around us and in the world is it even possible to consider positivity? I have asked myself that question many times. When we see positive people, some of us would even wonder if they might be faking it. How is it possible to stay positive all the time? Don't situations or the way people act bug them at all? How do they stay calm and collected and keep smiling? I decided to try it out myself. For starters, I was a negative person. I always saw the worst in every situation and everyone. I thought I had to stay prepared in any situation. I used to get frustrated and angry at people and situations I could not change. What did I do? I started letting...

People Watching

Photography by Amal Prasad @ Have you watched people? Like really looked at them. I am not talking about staring. We don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. Neither am I talking about looking at what they are wearing; clothes, accessories or makeup. Just watch and observe. In the digitalised age, most of us are glued to our phones or electronic devices. A spare moment here and there, while waiting, travelling or even eating, we immediately whip out our devices and go deep into it. Sometimes we don't even realise what's happening around us. Just watch. Start with their appearance and how much effort they put into making themselves presentable. Gradually start looking deeper. Is this person a father, a mother, a grandchild, etc. What got them out of the house and where might they be going? How do they live their lives? There must be people around them who love and support them. Of course we don't need answers for all these q...

Rise & Shine Every morning we wake up. It is mostly to a beautiful blue sky, the sun gently raising up the horizon and birds tweeting their song. But sometimes we feel forced to. It could be because of our jobs, school or something that needs to be done. Then, there are days we just want to jump out of bed to start our day. Normally our moods are influenced by what is going to happen or what we expect out of that day. Sometimes, we bring forward the previous day’s events, still mulling over what happened and how sucky it was. Bringing it into our workplace or community and show it to people who had nothing to do with our bad mood. I’ve had days I just wanted to sleep longer and just not go to work. Not because I hate my job. Fact is, I love what I do. Yet I want to be lazy some days. My solution is, I have a cup of coffee, look out the window and tell myself “It is a beautiful day. I wonder what awaits me today. Le...

The Journey Begins

Everyday is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again — Buddha Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. I am excited to have you join me in this amazing journey.  So here I go. We all try our best to live life. So many experiences, opportunities and  lessons throughout our lifetime. I have been lucky to have had a few experiences of my own. Learning to live through those has given me a different approach towards life. What is life all about or rather what do we make it out to be? Join me as I explore various topics about life, relationships and hope. Take a moment to read and I hope something resonates with you. Happy Reading!