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Showing posts from August, 2019

One of those days Ever had one of those days where you don't feel like talking to anyone and you just want to be left alone? I have and these are the times when people feel the need to talk to you and have meetings and discussions.  You look unusually quiet and everyone wants to know what's wrong. There is nothing wrong. But just the lack of interest or energy to hold a proper conversation or to be your regular self. That does not mean you have fallen into depression. However, if this continues and is on a regular basis, please do talk to someone.  We don't have to be chirpy and positive all the time. There will be up and down days and we have to accept that we do get moody. Just because we project ourselves to be chirpy does not necessarily mean that's how we feel internally all the time. Sometimes we know the reason why, such as an arguement that happened the previous day or something that didn't go as you ex...


Are we the same with everyone? The way we talk, react or respond. This is something I never really thought about until recently. And I asked myself that question. The answer is, no I am not. I admit I have mixed feelings about it. I don't know if it’s a good or bad thing but it's a fact. We are not the same with different groups of people. With our family we are different, with friends, colleagues or neighbours, we are different and same goes for strangers. We might be gentle loving souls with, or totally detached from, family. With friends a different and wild side of us emerges. Now the funny thing here is, we are also different with different groups of friends. With some, we are totally comfortable and outspoken and discuss dirty little secrets and with some others we just have fun, joke around and entertain each other. Then there is a group we keep at a distance. The friends we are not really close with but you have known them for ages.   We are constan...